On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions about your booking and the appropriate answers. We hope to be able to accompany and support you in the best possible way in your vacation planning and preparation.
How can I book a holiday apartment or a house?
Help for Online-booking:
Our booking process is very simple and consists of the following quick steps to be performed:
1. Offer - window:
Once you have found a suitable property, you can check the prices on the detail page, add options and check availability, and can then click on the "Online Booking". Please choose your desired arrival and departure date, the travel period is highlighted in green. Then please indicate the number of people and select the desired additional options [e.g. Baby Bed/Cot or dog]. The rental price will then be adjusted and shown correctly. Click "Next".
2. Personal Information – window:
In step 2, we ask you to provide information about yourself and the desired payment method. Short term bookings can only be paid by credit card.
At the top of the form you have already entered data such as: object, extras, number of people, price and prepayment amount. Now enter the required personal data for Online-booking. The reservation system will show in red where further information is needed. At the end of the form you will see "comments", here you can leave us notes or send additional requests. Please confirm our terms and conditions, and then we ask you, for safety reasons [spam] to enter the safety code.
Now click the "Next" button to submit you Online-booking. If something was not executed correctly the field marked in red will show where the error can be corrected.
3. Booking Confirmation – Window:
In step 3 you will find the automatic Online reservation confirmation and you can check that the information that you gave is correct. You then have the possibility to print your Online-booking reservation.
Your reservation (Online-Booking) will be personally checked by us, if we have any questions we will contact you directly.
You will then receive a booking confirmation, which we will ask you to confirm. You will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link. Only after confirming and returning the link will your Online-booking be complete.
If you have questions you can call our Holiday Homes Team who will be happy to assist you.
You can reach us from Monday to Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. by phone at: +41 79 678 14 36
You are also welcome to contact our customer service by email: comolakehomes@gmail.com
We hope you are looking forward to your holiday!