Guest Rating: Casa Sangiovese Apartment Gravedona, Lake Como

Your opinion about your holiday accommodation 154

We place great value on your judgement. How did you like your holiday?
We would appreciate if you answered a few questions.
Simply judge by grading 1 (poor) to 5 (recommended).

Accommodation name: Sangiovese
Guest: Classen Dominik
Period of booking: 2014-06-15 - 2014-06-21
How do you rate the position of the house?
What is your rating of the tidiness in general?
How did you like the furnishing in general and the overall impression?
What is your rating of the price-performance ratio?
What do you think about the kitchen equipment?
What is your opinion about the bathroom/bathrooms?
What about the beds?
Was it easy for you to find your holiday house?
Have you had any problems in the house? NO
If so, who/what has helped you resolving them?
Internet portal through which you booked? sehr gut
Suggestions, proposals, requests: Liebes Casa Rina Team, vielen herzlichen Dank für den schönen Urlaub! Die Unterkunft hat uns ausgezeichnet gefallen - die Räume waren sehr liebevoll eingerichtet und sehr gut ausgestattet sowie absolut sauber. Der Blick vom Balkon war großartig! Insbesondere die vielen Details (Angebot in der Cantina, ausführliche Info-Mappe, frische Eier, Brötchenservice, besonders schön angelegte Außenbereiche und Pool) haben uns den Aufenthalt besonders schön gemacht. Vielen herzlichen Dank auch für die überaus freundliche Begrüßung! Wir werden sehr gerne wieder kommen. Viele Grüße, Hanna Heimann-Trosien